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Useful for residents and visitors alike, Barbados Travel Companion, our new travel app to Barbados, supplies comprehensive information along with pictures, maps and links to hundreds of videos and relevant websites.
There is an Android version and an iTunes version.
St. John Visitors:
Please check out Explore St. John, our new travel app to St. John, which supplies comprehensive information (useful for residents and visitors alike) along with pictures, maps and links to hundreds of videos and relevant websites.
Dendrobatids are the genus of poison dart frogs (ranita roja, ranita venerosa) which are aspomatic--possessing a warning coloration which advertises their toxicity. Their natural danskins, coming in bright red and blue decorator colors, broadcast a message geared chiefly toward predatory birds. Many other frogs also have these "flash" colors, primary coloring on their undersides and groins which are flashed in the view of predators, causing confusion. The frogs are harmless to handle as long as your skin is unbroken; putting them in your mouth is not recommended. mating practices: Male frogs perch in mushrooms, calling out for a mate. After a female arrives, he scouts for the proper site. When she lags behind, he calls and waits. The female rubs the male's head and chin with her head. Facing back to back, she lays a few eggs which the male fertilizes and guards for a two-week period, after which the female returns. Taking one of the newly hatched tadpoles on her back, the female deposits it in a suitably isolated pool of water (which is often the leaf axil of a bromeliad). She may have to climb up a tree in order to do this. As the water lacks nutrients, the female returns later repeatedly to lay unfertilized eggs which the embryo feeds on. In order to prevent a damselfly larva from decimating her brood, each tadpole is deposited in a different location. When she approaches a bromeliad which is already occupied, the tadpole makes its presence known by aiming its head towards the center, holding itself rigid, and rapidly vibrating its tail. |
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Parts of text are from Explore Costa Rica. All material is original. Be sure to visit our Explore the Rainforest photo essay. |
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