Gavin Newsom: "I can't speak coherently for two minutes straight."
Today, November
22nd, Mayoral candidate Matt Gonzalez challenged Gavin Newsom to
have a substantive dialogue of the issues at the next televised
mayoral debates, scheduled for Monday, November 24 on ABC affiliate
KGO, and on Tuesday, December 2 on CBS affiliate KPIX.
This challenge stems from the Newsom campaigns refusal to
accept debate terms with responses of more than one minute. Newsoms
campaign also sought to reduce the number of candidate-to-candidate
In discussions of the format for the next debate, the Gonzalez campaign
requested that the two candidates be allowed answers of at least
two minutes. One minute is insufficient time to answer questions
about the important issues facing our City. To insist on one-minute
answers in a two-person race is an insult to voters intelligence,
said Gonzalez.
Campaign Manager Enrique Pearce, who negotiated the debate terms
on behalf of the campaign, noted, If Gavin Newsom is truly
a candidate with substance, he should relish extra time to answer
questions. If the Newsom campaign is concerned with the number of
topics covered, we would agree without hesitation to longer debates
with more questions, so long as there is sufficient time to answer
them. Previous televised debates have allowed two-minute responses.
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